As a project manager in the construction industry, your job is to keep a site running without problems, on schedule and within budget. Sometimes, it can be extremely challenging.
These challenges demand both a strategic mentality and tactical expertise on the issues that come with each phase in a project.
Managing people and deadlines on top of keeping clients satisfied isn’t for the faint of heart. So, let’s look at how to overcome some of the most common challenges of project management.
Unrealistic Expectations
Some clients may have a modest budget or want a job completed quickly. As a result, it is absolutely crucial to manage their expectations from the word go.
While some things are possible, you will know from experience which things aren’t. Working with unachievable objectives just for the sake of having regular work can hinder productivity and lose you money in the long run.
Another way to manage expectations is by breaking your forecasts down into monthly, weekly, and daily objectives to see if they are achievable. Manage expectations from the start, and you can set up a successful project.
Clients get upset when things are promised to them but aren’t delivered – to avoid a dissatisfied client, be absolutely sure you can deliver on your promises.
Bad Time Management
Further to the above, when there are time constraints due to overpromising or missed deadlines altogether, it can be tempting to cut corners in order to catch up.
The issue here is that it will more than likely lead to a snowball effect, meaning more delays and higher costs as you try to make up for the lost time.
Another challenge that stems from poor time management is inconsistent communication with clients. When a client isn’t in the loop regarding the build, or “in the dark” if you will, it can lead to problems too.
A lack of communication or inadequate communication can completely destroy your project and client relationship. In project management, you must always have updates on the project status and feedback, for the sake of your very own team, as well as the sake of the client.
To avoid time management issues, focus on tackling different variables that cause delays and try to set up a workflow that ensures requirements are always met.
Unforeseeable circumstances should also always be considered. As we mentioned in a previous post, complete the job earlier rather than later. By giving yourself an extra week or two, factors like the weather, or a delay in delivery from a supplier shouldn’t be a problem.
Communication and time management issues, such as approval from the client can be managed with a renovation app.
A Delay in Cash Flow
This is a big one – a challenge many contractors experience. Project management is a complex role to own, but without cash flow, or delay in cash flow, it can make things even more complicated.
When payments from the client fall behind, it will negatively impact your cash flow for their build. To ensure you and your client are on the same page, you both need to be in the know.
Thanks to modern technology, renovation apps offer a centralized place to track funds. With a renovation app, you will always know exactly how much has been paid, how much of the budget is left, and what still needs to be paid at any given moment through checking your mobile device.
This way, you can ensure that cashflow never affects your projects negatively.
A Lack of Risk Management
Risk management is essential in construction as the risks are more significant and far more expensive than most industries or jobs.
One of the common challenges in construction project management is managing risk because you are solely responsible for identifying potential problems and finding ways to moderate it.
In project management, it is your duty to outline and implement ways to stop the project from veering off course. Without your expertise and planning, the project will most certainly go over budget or become delayed.
To find out more about knowmybuild’s project management app, visit our site. Our app will help stay on top of the challenges that come with project management, making it easier for everyone involved.