When it comes to home remodelling, knowing when to move or improve comes down to a few critical factors, such as location, having enough space and whether you like the neighbourhood.
When to move:
If you need to move closer to work
If the size of your property allows you to extend your home and make it bigger, but the location no longer suits you, then you should consider selling it and moving. For instance, if your current home is in the countryside and you need to move closer to the city, then no matter what you do to your property, you will never be satisfied.
Before putting your home on the market, our advice is to look at where you can improve it to increase its value. Regarding home remodelling, there are subtle, inexpensive changes you can make that could prove profitable.
If you don’t like the neighbourhood anymore
It is not uncommon that quality of life in an area deteriorates. When you first moved in, it could have been a lovely place to live, but now, a few years later, it has become unsafe. In this case, consider moving.
If you don’t enjoy your neighbourhood, then there is no reason to stay. Further to this, if you lived next to a great family, but they moved out, and you’re stuck with new people that are loud and inconsiderate, you should move. Being surrounded by the right people is crucial to a happy life at home.
If you don’t have enough space to extend
If you have already gone through the home remodelling process and you still do not have enough space, then you should consider moving.
Sometimes, with growing families, they end up growing out of their home. Before putting your house on the market, look at whether you can extend upwards. You could convert your home into a double-storey to cater to another child’s living needs.
If converting to a double-storey is too expensive, then perhaps look at where you can revamp and then put your house up for sale.
When to improve:
When you have enough space to extend
If you have a big yard or a big area in between your house and your boundary wall, then extending might be your best option.
Sometimes, after living in a place for a while, we become bored with the layout, or we simply start to outgrow the space. Home remodelling is an excellent solution to this. Extending the area is a great way to improve the house you have – for living in, and if you choose to sell it one day. By redoing the kitchen, or extending the living area, you will add tremendous value to your property, which leads us to our next point.
If you are looking to sell your home
Home remodelling is a great way to increase the value of your home. Often, these changes aren’t as significant or expensive as you might think. By simply replacing old countertops with granite or converting your basement into a third or fourth room, the price of your property could rise substantially.
Home remodelling is also a smart way of investing your money. By putting your savings into your home, you can sell it later when the market is healthy and make a profit.
If you just want to refresh your home
If you have extra money and want to refresh your home, sometimes buying new furniture or appliances is not enough. Why not have a pool installed if you have the space? Or, knock down the walls of your kitchen and dining room and create an open plan living space? There are so many options and incredible ideas to explore.
Just remember, if you are looking at home remodelling, plan and keep up to date with your remodel by using a home renovation app. It’s a modern and simple way to ensure the process runs smoothly.